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Image by Kelly Sikkema

Relationship counseling

Are your thoughts going in circles?

"Why do I always have to stick back?"  - "why doesn't he/she understand me?" - "he/she loses his/her interest in me?" - "she/he always only thinks of himself!" - "Doesn't she/he love me anymore?" - "Why doesn't he/she see what I do for him/her?" - "Does she/he have someone else?" - "Why am I always to blame?" - "  is she/he hiding something from me?" - "his/her silence makes me sick!" - "why can't it be the way it used to be?" - "he/she doesn't care! - "Where have the butterflies gone?" - "Should I break up?" - "Can I still "save" my relationship?" - "I've tried everything!" - "She/he doesn't listen to me! "-...;

Every crisis, every conflict, every thought (reaction) has a cause (action).

Together we will get to the bottom of this cause, because she is responsible for our thoughts, feelings and actions.

If you take a closer look at the reactions that we experience internally in the form of thoughts and feelings and which we express externally through words, facial expressions and actions, then we come across what is hidden behind it, our imprint!

Our individual imprint, formed by our environment, determines our attitudes, likes, dislikes, perspectives, ideas, fears, our self-confidence and self-esteem, our spirit and our consciousness in general.

What is not in our consciousness does not exist for us and does not get our attention.

Everything that is in our consciousness only exists because we are aware that it exists.

This is the basis on which we work!

Image by Kerri Shaver

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